
Old Chinese bridal palanquin gets new look

2013/07/09 17:50
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Recently, Wu Wen-jie (吳文杰), Yang Ming-zhong (楊明鐘) and Liu Ming-zhi (劉明智), three elderly bamboo artisans from Chiayi County, finally finished constructing a traditional Chinese bridal palanquin. In addition to their own personal childhood memories, the three artisans interviewed many local elderly women and searched extensively outside the community to compile all the necessary construction information.

Following age-old construction methods, the traditional Chinese palanquin took around 15 days to complete; the procedure included choosing and cutting the bamboo; building the seat frame; and weaving the bamboo wickerwork. On completion, many local women excitedly put aside their work at hand and rushed over to take a peek at the newly styled palanquin.

The emphasis is on trying to reestablish the feel of Taiwan’s farming communities in the 1960s and this activity follows on from another recent traditional craft activity - ‘Silvergrass Brush’ making. We are confident that through lending the bride palanquin to not only young couples in the local community, but also to those further afield in other communities, interest in the traditional Chinese marriage ceremony will be rekindled, providing young couples with some wonderful wedding memories. We are currently in the process of recruiting palanquin pole bearers and finding Beiguan musicians to create an authentic traditional wedding procession,” said Luo Qing-zhou (羅清洲), Secretary General of Anjing Community Development Association.

Old Chinese bridal palanquin gets new look


老轎新作喜洋洋 影音








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