
Fight to save threatened old-style movie theatre

2013/07/17 11:14
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East Sound Movie Theatre (東聲戲院) - formerly known as Hsinsheng Movie Theatre (新生戲院) - is the last remaining old-style movie theatre in Miaoli County. In spite of modern business trends, which have resulted in a long-term business slump at East Sound Movie Theatre, 83-year-old proprietor Xu Lin-bin (徐琳彬) and his partner Tang Song-mei (湯松妹) have vowed: "No matter how few, as long people keep coming through the door, we’ll keep showing movies!”

To assist this elderly couple in their fight to keep the movie theatre open, a group of passionate young Miaoli residents have planned a series of activities under the banner “Old Movie Theater Revival Movement”. Stressing the importance of community service, the group is calling on all local people to come together and join the fight. “Today's young people prefer to go to the movie theatres in Hsinchu, which they believe are more comfortable. In fact, we have already renovated our cinema, and it is pretty good; it’s just that young locals aren’t willing to come in and give us a chance, so they don’t know the quality of service we’re providing now,” said Xu Lin-bin.

Fight to save threatened old-style movie theatre







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