
Lin Jing-lan deaf dance troupe

2013/10/23 18:14
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Lin Jing-lan Deaf Dance Troupe (林靖嵐聽障舞蹈團) is a dance troupe specifically formed for people with hearing impairments. Troupe leader Lin Jing-lan (林靖嵐) assists members to experience music by means of transmitting rhythmic vibrations. As a result of rigorous training, today the troupe members perform all over the country and are dancing their way into a better life.

Though troupe leader Lin Jing-lan can’t hear the music melody, her love of dance has not been diminished. It was her own experiences and empathy for the difficulties deaf people face that gave her the inspiration to form a dance troupe. Through the troupe, she hopes to provide deaf people with access to dance and possibly gain some recognition on the dance scene.

Not wishing to give people the impression they are just another handicapped dance troupe, strict practice sessions include incessant repetition of each short dance section and a high demand for meticulous attention to detail; this ensures perfection for the troupe’s performances, which have been instrumental at instilling members with self-confidence. Lin Jing-lan Deaf Dance Troupe has used various styles of dance and body language to express itself and demonstrate its uniqueness - taking the impossible and making it possible.

Lin Jing-lan deaf dance troupe








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