
PeoPo win 2013 Foundation for Excellent Journalism ‘Social Utility Award’

2013/11/08 12:01
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PeoPo win 2013 Foundation for Excellent Journalism ‘Social Utility Award’

Introduced by The Foundation for Excellent Journalism in 2005, this year the biennial ‘Social Utility Award’ has been snatched by PTS’s 'PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform'.

With a strong belief that all citizens have the right to voice out, in April 2007, the audiovisual ‘PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform’ was established to facilitate citizen access to the media. After over six years from its inception, the platform is now freely open to all citizens, has notched up over five hundred audiovisual media workshops, actively promotes lectures and other educational training courses, and to date, has over seven thousand citizen journalists scattered throughout the length and breath of the country. With over one hundred reports being uploaded each day, over eighty thousand news reports already accumulated, and over seven hundred thousand people visiting the site each month, PeoPo has already become a media force to be reckoned with.

The platform has a highly diverse range of local news content, covering issues including care for the vulnerable, environmental protection, cultural heritage, community improvement, agriculture and media watch etc. The stories are gathered from people and things occurring in the everyday lives of individual citizen journalists, as well as NGO initiatives and critiques, thus providing richer and more diverse information. However, this new media application in citizen journalism is not only under great focus in Taiwan, PeoPo has also seen unprecedented interest from international media organizations around the globe. Organizations including the UK’s Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA); Public Broadcasters International (PBI); United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); Japan NHK; and the International Institute of Communications (ICC), have all formerly invited PeoPo forward for communicative exchange; moreover, in 2008, PeoPo became a finalist at NHK’s Japan Prize.

PeoPo has been credited as an essential pipeline for Taiwan’s citizen journalists to voice out. Through providing reports that are diverse and not limited to specific geographical locations, the platform is helping to strengthen outlying communities. Over the past few years, there have been several major controversial land expropriation cases, including those of Wanbao and Dapu, both of which were first covered by PeoPo citizen journalists before being followed up on by the mainstream media. Such cases show that in today’s climate of growing commercial interests, PeoPo plays an important role in covering stories that are often neglected by the mainstream media. Furthermore, the subsequent powerful social movements triggered by PeoPo’s coverage, is a clear demonstration that the platform fully embodies the true spirit of a social utility.









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