Down’s syndrome child Lin Guan-ting
In the grounds of Mediterranean-style Fong Yung Elementary School (豐源國小), which lies in the remote suburbs of Taitung, stands the sculpture of Down’s syndrome child Lin Guan-ting, entitled ‘Endless Transparency’. Lin Guan-ting’s parents lovingly fostered his artistic abilities, inspiring him to become a gifted artist. In response to Cloud Charity Festival’s (雲端愛筳) wish to help teachers and students realize their dreams, entrepreneur Lin Yan-huang (林炎煌) praised and specially commissioned the building of Lin Guan-ting’s artwork.
Down’s syndrome child Lin Guan-ting
偏遠台東市郊充滿地中海風格建築的豐源國小,豎立在校園中的雕塑品【源源不絕 • 晶瑩剔透】作者是位唐氏兒,由於父母的愛心培養與藝能啟發成就天才藝術家、為響應雲端愛筳讓國小師生圓夢,企業家林炎煌特選林冠廷作品出資建設,並讚譽為邊陲亮點_唐氏兒林冠廷。