
Mrs. Zhou’s dog kennel

2013/11/21 16:07
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Mrs. Zhou has dedicated the last 20 years of her life rescuing stray and abandoned dogs. She not only tends to the every need of her dogs, but has even found a piece of land for them to live, providing them with shelter from the wind and rain. Instead of asking for outside financial help, Mrs. Zhou prefers to use her own hard-earned salary from working as an abacus teacher to fund the running of the kennels.

She believes that through self-funding the project, she can uphold her own ideology of simply accommodating the dogs with food and shelter. Taking care of this group of dogs is Mrs. Zhou’s mission in life, and keeps her extremely busy; merely preparing food for the dogs can be a very time-consuming job. Fortunately, each Sunday a group of volunteers visits the kennels to take some of the weight off Mrs. Zhou’s shoulders and reduce her workload. Over the last 20 years, Mrs. Zhou has built a very deep relationship with the dogs, looking after them much the same as a mother looks after her children, always giving, and never asking for anything in return.

Mrs. Zhou’s dog kennel







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