

2014/02/25 18:26
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Everyday healthcare - The relationship between thyroid cancer and female personality traits

Region: Ji'an Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Category: Social Concerns, Life & Entertainment
Tags: Hualien Mennonite, Mennonite Christian Hospital, Thyroid Cancer, Special OPD of Thyroid Gland



志工譯者:謝安琪(Volunteer Translator: Angela Hsieh)


Oh? Is there a relationship between cancer, “gender” and “personalities”?


Many types of cancer might occur in human beings. However, you may not have realized that some types of cancer have high degree of correlation with “gender” and “personalities”. The Mennonite Peopo News has invited Dr. Dong-Ling You, a physician in the Department of Nuclear Medicine in Mennonite Christian Hospital, to share the reason behind the high degree of correlation between thyroid cancer, “gender” and “personalities”! It is also a reminder to all our female friends to pay more attention and care for their own health in everyday life.

Where is the thyroid gland? It sits low on the front of the neck, like a butterfly opening out its wings stays along the front of the windpipe (also called the trachea).The main role of the thyroid hormones secreted from thyroid gland is to regulate human body’s metabolic rate, one kind of vital and essential hormone for life. However, the reason that thyroid cancer is more common in women than men may be because females secrete more hormones. Doctors say “The most meticulous women may be the most beautiful, but they are also the high risk group for thyroid cancer”!


According to the cancer registration data from the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, the thyroid cancer incidence was 17.1 per 100,000 man and women (about 12.9 in women; 4.02 in men). Although thyroid cancer is only the fifth most common cancer in women, the incidence rate has been increasing in recent years.


Thyroid cancer can occur in all age groups of men and women, but the statistics has shown that it mainly occurs in women between 20 – 45 years of age. Overall thyroid cancer prognosis is excellent. The overall relative 20-year survival rate for papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC) can reach higher than 90%.

The thyroid cancer triggers(etiopathology) are still unclear. However, it’s believed to be relevant to the living environment (with pressure and tension), personality (Type A personality) and hereditary factors. As to physiological characteristics of Type A (not the blood type!) personality, Mennonite Peopo News has sorted out some information for your reference.


1. Depressed (dejected) personality, highly defensive, not good in expressing & sharing feelings with other people.

2. Self-confidence, expect to receive a higher social recognition.

3. Fast & loud speaker, being competitive & aggressive, utterance is full of passionate wordings.


How many characteristics from above-mentioned items do you match?  Dr. Dong-Ling You often encourages patients with a kind of reverse thinking. He suggests taking the "thyroid cancer" as a gift from God, because it provides opportunities for us to change our Type A personality towards a better direction. After all, relaxation in spirit and mood is also a crucial factor to assist in therapy.

[Mennonite PEOPO Video] Sharing a case on detecting thyroid cancer in everyday life

Dr. Dong-Ling You shared his experiences regarding the common scenario where women visit a doctor.


It is indeed uncommon to hear about thyroid cancer. People may believe that thyroid cancer is a kind of "lesser known" cancer, because, at the same time, it is easy overlooked. Therefore, when the cancer is detected, it has usually progressed to an advanced stage. Especially in the less populated areas like Hualien County, it is overlooked due to the imbalance medical resources distributed between north and south regions.


But how thyroid cancer could be detected? Dr. Dong-Ling You shared the cases who were referred to Mennonite Hospital in the past. He said that among those women who came to the hospital, many of them felt an abnormal nodule, neither painful nor irritated, in the neck when they applied cosmetic products, or their throats felt uncomfortable laying on the salon chair during hair wash, and etc. Out of concern about the situation, they came to hospital and were diagnosed with thyroid cancer. However, when people heard about that diagnosis, they usually feel shock and sadness like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. Nevertheless, at that time, the doctor usually comforts patients that thyroid cancer is a kind of cancer with "high incidence" but also with "high cure rate". For that reason, Dr. You also suggested that women can pay attention to any abnormal status at the neck area when applying skin care products that can keep the skin beautiful while caring for health at the same time. Two birds with one stone, isn't it?

[Mennonite PEOPO Video] Simple palpation also can help to detect syndrome(s) in thyroid gland.


(Dr. Dong-Ling You said, simple palpation in neck during everyday life is also a good method for early detection. Mennonite Christian Hospital has taken the lead in establishing the special OPD of thyroid gland/cancer in Hualien and Taitung area.)


The most meticulous women may be the most beautiful. Yet, apart from beauty and intelligence, it is also important to take care of one's own health! Keep physical beauty on the one hand; maintain health on the other hand! Both in one fell swoop!


Mennonite Peopo's Healthcare Knowledge: About the Thyroid Cancer

1.甲狀腺(Thyroid Carcinoma)的位置:

1. The location of the thyroid gland:

甲狀腺位於頸的底部,形狀像張開了翼的蝴蝶,屬內分泌器官之一,甲狀腺分泌甲狀腺素,甲狀腺素的主要功能在於調節人體新陳代謝,甲狀腺腫瘤是良性的,惡性腫瘤 (即甲狀腺癌) 可分為分化良好癌,分化不良癌與其他癌這三種。

The thyroid gland sits on the bottom of the neck, like a butterfly opening out its wings, one of the endocrine glands. Thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones, whose main role is to regulate human body’s metabolic rate. Thyroid tumor is benign. Carcinoma (thyroid cancer) can be categorized into 3 types: well-differentiated thyroid cancer, poorly differentiated thyroid cancer/ anaplastic carcinoma and others.


2. Thyroid Cancer Prevalence:


Thyroid cancer can occur in all age groups of men and women, but it mostly occurs in women between 20 – 45 years of age. Thyroid carcinoma (cancer) accounts for 1% of all carcinomata. Data shows that there are 17 newly diagnosed cases for every 100,000 men and women every year. Meanwhile, the data from the past 10 years shows the incidence rates have been increasing. (according to the 2010 cancer registration data launched by Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2013)

3.臨床表徵(常見症狀): 若有下述情況,請進一步檢查喔!

3. Clinical manifestations (common syndromes): Please go for further examinations if flowing situation is detected! 


(1) Local thyroid gland swollen or lump can be felt on your neck.
(2) The lump on your neck is daily growing.
(3) The lump oppresses the laryngeal nerve that might cause the voice to become raspy; if the lump invades the esophagus, it might cause acataposis (dyspagia).
(4) With thyroid gland related history (e.g. hyperthyroidism, etc.)


4. Triggers (Etiopathology): 


The thyroid cancer triggers (etiopathology) are still unclear. However, it’s believed to be relevant to the living environment, personality (Type A personality) and hereditary factors. 


Note: Dr. Dong-Ling You was born in Fenglin Township, Huelian County. Recently he came back to his hometown to serve in the Department of Nuclear Medicine in Mennonite Christian Hospital. The Department of Nuclear Medicine has been established in Mennonite Christian Hospital in 2012 to benefit residents in Hualien and Taitung County.



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