
Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement news archive (3.29-4.3)

2014/04/08 14:16
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PeoPo推 0

On March 30th, half a million people took to the streets to voice out their anti-trade pact sentiment. A number of CJs were present to record all the happenings of the day and some Taiwanese students studying abroad also organized various events. The protest march finished peacefully at 7:40 in the evening. With the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement dispute still unresolved, students continue to occupy the Legislative Yuan, and citizens from all over Taiwan remain in a sit-in protest outside. 


Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement news archive (3.29-4.3)

2014/04/01 Citizens from around the country support “Sunflower Student Movement”

‘Documentary of Protests in Ketagalan Boulevard’ – Music dedicated to democracy in Taiwan

Taiwan’s 330 Anti-Trade Pact

Evolution!! Citizen consciousness!!!

Mother’s angry!

“Sunflower Student Movement” - Orderly work division inside and outside Legislative Yuan

“Sunflower Student Movement” – Government urged to value procedural justice

330 Anti-Trade Pact stewards hit Ketagalan Boulevard

Pictures: 1000 Hong Kong citizens voice out in support of 330 Anti-Trade Pact

Keep it up little sunflowers!!

Making history, recording history!!

CJ Sky Lee news report series (6 reports)






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