

2014/05/28 00:01
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新聞翻譯:Angela Hsieh

Endovascular intervention/ treatment making forward progress in the Hualien & Taitung area!


Hualien area has the second most elderly population by county, behind only the Yun-Lin and Chiayi area. This type of demographic structure has brought higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aging population structure of Taiwan has not been news for the last decade. In a demographic structure, the older age groups suffer different diseases from the young adults. Cardiologist Dr. Ching-Fen Wu at Mennonite Christian Hospital said that the top health killer is cancer, and the second one is CVD. However, in developed countries, CVD actually has gone beyond cancer to be the No.1 health killer. In the eastern Hualien area, doctors also find there are many CVD patients that have not been noticed, diagnosed, and treated effectively. Therefore, in the Hualien and Taitung area, actively rolling out CVD care is very necessary for people that live in the Hualien and Taitung area! This time, doctors and cardiology teams are also bringing the new concept of "endovascular intervention/ treatment" into Hualien and Taitung area. Hopefully, it can help solve the CVD issues in the Hualien and Taitung area. Moreover, we sincerely hope everyone can take cheer from this good news.     



The cardiac cath. team is carrying out interventional cardiac catheterization for a patient. (Photo: Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center, Mennonite Christian Hospital)


From age of 34 to 103


Mennonite Hospital's cardiology team has treated patients as young as 34, but the oldest was already at the age of 103. The gap between the ages is truly surprising. Cardiologist Dr. Ching-Fen Wu said: as long as people have bad life habits, high stress, and "three-high" syndromes (hyperglycaemia, hypertension, hyperlipoidemia), no matter whether they are in the young or elderly groups, all can be threaten by CVD! Actually, based on the life style in current society, this is indeed a very wide range of impact! Cardiac Catheterization Center in Mennonite Hospital started its service in 2013. To date, more than 1,000 cases have been treated, which also demonstrates the necessity and urgency of CVD treatments in the Hualien and Taitung area.   



↑Cardiologist Dr. Ching-Fen Wu, together with her husband, moved to Hualien from Taipei and jointly engaged in medical services in the east of Taiwan. She said that the health care in the poor mountain areas still needs more professionals' involvement in and support. Yet, the more important need is still for collaboration between team members, because working on saving cardiac patients requires the support of a large number of people. (Photo: Mennonite Christian Hospital)


In the past, because of the scarcity of medical resources in eastern region, it was difficult for CVD patients to receive medical treatments locally in the Hualien and Taitung area. Consequently, patients were forced to tolerate physical ailments and pass up the window of opportunity for early treatment. Or they had to seek medical treatment out of town, which resulted in more expenses and inconveniences. For both patients and their families, those choices were not only time- and labor- consuming, but also increased more unfavorable factors to their illness.    



↑The cardiac cath. team is performing the preparation work. At least 4 medical staff members are needed to carry out the cardiac catheterization. The professional team includes seamless cooperation between registered nurse(s), radiologist(s), and attending physician(s). (Photo: Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center, Mennonite Christian Hospital)



↑The cardiac cath. team is performing the preparation work. Before entering the cardiac catheterization laboratory (Cath. Lab.), the doctor also must be fully outfitted per requirements and ensure all complete infection control and quarantine measures are in place, so that the treatment for patient will be safe and secure. (Photo: Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center, Mennonite Christian Hospital)


The Concept and Meaning of Endovascular intervention/ treatment


For "Endovascular intervention/ treatment", we can take it as a new concept, but it is also a new type of medical auxiliary technology! Actually, cardiac catheterization has been performed as CVD treatment for many years (at least 30 years or more). Dr. Ching-Fen Wu said, through endovascular intervention/ treatment, we can obtain comprehensive assessment of "state" and "function" related to the blood vessel. This must be achieved through "vascular ultrasound". As for "endo-", it means the internal lesion status of the blood vessel, and does not just focus on the external blood vessel "state", but to focus also on where blood vessel "functionality" needs to be reinforced.

This also shows that the information provided by the traditional coronary angiography in the past was actually insufficient. In Hualien and Taitung area where the medical resources are generally lacking, it will be much more convenient for people to have access to endovascular intervention related resources. The doctor also mentioned a key point: the other advantage of endovascular intervention/ treatment is to provide sufficient information to evaluate whether to apply cardiovascular auxiliary therapy (e.g. cardiac stent or balloon, and etc.). The reason is that sometimes placing the stent might be deleterious, or even a waste of precious medical resources.



↑The cardiac cath. team is performing interventional cardiac catheterization for a patient. (Photo: Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center, Mennonite Christian Hospital)

搶心救心的「door-to-balloon time」

“Door-to-balloon time” - race to save the heart

我們最常聽見的心血管疾病就是「心肌梗塞」,其實在心導管技術在心血管疾病的治療中,最立竿見影的就是「急性心肌梗塞」以及「急性心臟衰竭」的這兩種急症的介入性治療,因為心臟是一個非常耗氧的器官,他需要源源不絕的血液供應,一但血液的供應被阻斷,心臟在三十分鐘內就會開始壞死梗塞,心臟功能就完全失去!心臟功能的再生能力也是相當差的,所以心血管治療就是要在最有限的時間立即性的搶救心臟的功能!因此在緊急心導管手術中有所謂的「door-to-balloon time」的一般原則,也就是從病人進入醫院到血管被氣球擴張讓血液再灌注的時間,要求必須在90分鐘以內完成(門諾醫院目前的平均時間是在60分鐘以內),不管如何主要就是希望心臟缺氧的時間不要太久,這也是相對於開刀來說,比較不費時也較低風險的治療方式。

The most common CVD we hear about is "myocardial infarction (MI)". Actually, among the CVD treatments involving cardiac catheterization, the invasive treatment that sees the fastest result involves acute syndromes for "acute myocardial infarction (AMI)" and "acute heart failure (AHF)". Because the heart is a high oxygen consumption organ, it needs a continuous blood supply. Ones the blood supply is interrupted, the heart will start necrosis and infarction within 30 minutes and lose its function completely! The regenerative capability of cardiac function is quite poor, so the CVD treatment must immediately restore the cardiac function within a limited time! Therefore, there is a general principle so-called "door-to-balloon time" for the emergency cardiac catheterization procedure. It means that the time from a patient enters the hospital to the vessel dilated by the balloon to allowing blood reperfusion should be completed within 90 minutes (The average time is less than 60 minutes currently in Mennonite Christian Hospital). No matter what, the main goal is to minimize the cardiac hypoxia time. This treatment also requires less time and posses lower risk comparing to a surgical operation.  



↑During cardiac catheterization procedure, the nurses outside the Cath. Lab. are also cautious and must monitor patient vital signs, be fully prepared and work closely with physicians and professionals in the Lab.. (Photo: Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center, Mennonite Christian Hospital)


Interventional Cardiac Catheterization is widely used and mature. People residing in Hualien and Taitung County can rest assured


Mennonite Christian Hospital's Dr. Ching-Fen Wu said, cardiac catheterization is a mature technology with more than 3 decades of history, which has been widely used in CVD treatment. During the cardiac catheterization process, the patient doesn't need to undergo general anesthesia, but only needs a tiny injection point, usually from the right radial vein or the femoral artery on the right thigh. After the injection, a tube will be inserted into the blood vessel, just like the tube for intravenous drip. We will insert a wire, balloon or stent through the tube. Because the blood vessel itself is basically a tube, the patient hardly feels any pain. With minimally invasive method for intervention check and treatment of the cardiovascular system, results in only small wound and low risk, which can help improve prognostic treatment and quality of life. Meanwhile, this technology is already very mature.



↑Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center of Mennonite Christian Hospital (Photo: Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center, Mennonite Christian Hospital)

紀念恩格爾醫師(Dr. Harold H. Engle)

To commemorate Dr. Harold H. Engle


The "Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center" of Mennonite Christian Hospital in the video opened on 27 May, 2014, began providing related medical services for people in the Hualien and Taitung area. The name is to commemorate Dr. Harold H. Engle for his dedication into the rural areas in the Hualien and Taitung area during those earlier years. Dr. Harold H. Engle passed away in the U.S.A. at the end of 2013.



↑Dr. Harold H. Engle is the one at the right side with X-ray in hand. (Photo: Hualien Mennonite Christian Hospital)

關於門諾恩格爾紀念心導管室的成立:可以從認識這位恩格爾(Dr. Harold H. Engle)醫師開始。門諾醫院吳鏘亮院長受訪時表示,恩格爾醫師對於花蓮人來說其實應該算是蠻陌生的!因為他來到花蓮服務只有短短兩年的時間(1951-1952年之間。)但是若沒有恩格爾醫師的到來,就不會有創院院長薄柔纜醫師來到花蓮,更不會有門諾醫院之後的開創與服務,相對的在花蓮的公衛醫療的開展上必定會有一個很大的缺憾。恩格爾醫師原本就有到偏鄉行醫的熱情與感動,當時受到門諾會中央委員會(MCC)的指派來到花蓮,當時花蓮並沒有醫院或診所,只有宣教士所組成的巡迴醫療隊,在走遍偏鄉部落的兩年後他回到了美國,他如實的把這兩年的所見所聞,向當時的美國軍事委員會報告,就因為他的這份報告,讓美國國會決定把台灣視為海外替代役服務的地點之一。因此在1954年,門諾醫院的創院院長薄柔纜醫師就來到了台灣花蓮,他就是第一屆的海外醫療替代役醫師!門諾醫院後續的服務開拓,恩格爾醫師的影響至為重要!恩格爾醫師於2013年年底回歸主懷,但是他對花蓮醫療公衛的奉獻會一直記錄在這最重要的起始點!

Regarding the establishment of Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center: one can start by learning about Dr. Harold H. Engle. During the interview with the Mennonite Christian Hospital’s Superintendent Dr. Chiang-Liang Wu, M.D, he said that for Hualien people, Dr. Harold H. Engle may be considered very unknown, because he came to serve in Hualien for a very short time, only for 2 years (between 1951 - 1952)! However, if Dr. Harold H. Engle did not come, Dr. Roland P. Brown, the Mennonite Hospital's founding superintendent would not have come to Hualien, and there would be no founding of Mennonite Christian Hospital and subsequent services, that would have meant a huge shortfall in terms of public health & medicine in Hualien.  

Dr. Harold H. Engle has always been passionate and motivated about practicing medicine in rural area. At that time, he was appointed by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) to come to Hualien. There was no hospital or clinics in Hualien, only mobile clinic team composed of missionaries. After visiting clans and villages in rural areas for 2 years, he went back to the United States and report truthfully what he had seen and heard in these 2 years to the US Armed Service Committee at that time. Due to his report, the United States Congress decided to make Taiwan as one of the places for overseas medical support. Therefore, in 1954, The Mennonite Hospital's founding superintendent Dr. Roland P. Brown came to Hualien, Taiwan. He was among the first wave of doctors to practice overseas in lieu of service! Dr. Harold H. Engle's influence is extremely important for the subsequent expansion of services at the Mennonite Christian Hospital! Dr. Harold H. Engle went to the Lord's embrace in 2013, but his contributions toward public health & medicine in the Hualien area will always be remembered at this most important starting point!

​(Author & Video Editor: Tung-Jung Huang / Photographer & interview: Chi-Mei Luo, Photo: Mennonite Hospital/ Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Center)



關於Mch Public:門諾公益的編輯採訪群來自各種領域,包括醫管、電視媒體、平面媒體、出版編輯、社會工作、非營利組織的勸募工作者,大家抱持著對公益以及對偏鄉關懷的熱情,跳脫主流商業媒體的觀察,以公共議題為出發點,帶來更為深入的報導取向,讓許多無法被媒體關注的事件,從這個地方儘量的再現報導的真實,我們知道這裡的製作呈現無法追上主流媒體的豐富與精美,但我們會盡其所能,讓小角落的光傳遞的更遠,更深邃。有任何的建議或指教,請留言或寄到nanystudio@gmail.com感謝您的關注



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