
Better to tear down stigmatization than the city listed Wenmeng Building!

2015/03/24 10:53
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At a press conference attended by a group of around 20 people from the Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters, COSWAS (日日春關懷互助協會) on March 18, COSWAS secretary Wu Jo-ying (吳若瑩) said that The Wenmeng Building (文萌樓) was listed as a historical city site in 2006 for its intangible cultural value as “a center for resistance to the city’s moves to abolish prostitution,” thereby giving the masses a better understanding of the plight of vulnerable groups and low-level workers.

As the Wenmeng Building and surrounding community of Guisui Street (歸綏街) have been stigmatized with prostitution for many years, tearing down stigmatization is an extremely important issue; what truly needs to be torn down is not the historically listed Wenmeng Building, but discrimination in society and the attempted obliteration of history by land speculators.

However, Warden Hung Chen-heng (洪振恒) from Shuanglian Borough (雙連里) in Datong District (大同區) said signatures from local residents were being collected in the hope that public pressure would force the “hookers’ cultural heritage” eyesore to be torn down, allowing for speedy progress to be made in urban regeneration.

Better to tear down stigmatization than the city listed Wenmeng Building!
URL: https://www.peopo.org/news/270777


廢除市定古蹟文萌樓 不如廢污名





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