
Proposed Quarrying at Guanxi Raises Landslide Concerns in Locals - May 22 EIA Survey Report

2015/06/02 16:01
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On May 22 environmental impact assessment (EIA) officials began a survey of the Asia Cement Corp (亞洲水泥) quarry, fixing the Environmental Protection Administration’s first EIA meeting for 1:30 pm on June 4. The Hsinchu Branch of the Society of Wilderness (荒野保護協會) set up a research team to focus on this issue and sent staff members to participate in the course of events and record all the happenings.   

A promise from developers that all extracted waste earth and rocks would be appropriately handled was met by indignation from a group of local residents from Jinshan Village (金山里), who said that waste rocks from Asia Cement Corp’s quarrying operations 22 years previously had been discarded on a hill near the village,  resulting in cracks in the retaining walls of local residents; adding insult to injury, the company has been completely unwilling to take any responsibility.

Developers subsequently added that following the quarrying operations a green regeneration project would be implemented, restoring the land to its original condition; however, the site quarried 22 years previously still lies bare, and local residents’ retaining walls have clearly visible cracks caused by Asia Cement Corp’s former quarrying operations. 

Proposed Quarrying at Guanxi Raises Landslide Concerns in Locals - May 22 EIA Survey Report



關西亞泥礦區若開採,當地居民憂心成小林村第二    5月22日環評現勘紀錄







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