
Dilapidated market transformed into exhibition space displays local stories

2015/07/28 15:10
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Covering an area four times the size of Tainan’s busiest main street, the city’s Old West Market was formerly the largest vegetable market in the south of the country; the commercial district even provided the backdrop for scenes in the movie “God of Gamblers Returns”. However, through the passage of time, the once flourishing Old West Market gradually fell into decline.

Fortunately, in recent years, many cultural enterprises have established a presence in the market, injecting some much-needed youthful vigor. In July of this year, young people in the market launched “Big Market, Little Stories - Image Journal”, transforming the dilapidated market into a photography exhibition venue. The exhibition showcases a photographic time tunnel, allowing people to take a stroll through the building’s rich history and read all the small but unique stories of this immense market.

Dilapidated market transformed into exhibition space displays local stories 



廢棄市場成展館 展出大菜市小故事





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