
PeoPo Your Shoot. Zero Abandonment, Zero Euthanasia

2015/10/13 15:34
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To mark World Animal Day on October 4, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform teamed up with Taiwan Animal Equality Association (TAEA) and New Taipei City Government Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office to raise the “2015 World Animal Day – Support Zero Euthanasia” in New Taipei City’s Park 4. This latest Your Shoot event attracted the participation of more than 80 citizen journalists and friends, in what turned out to be a lively and warmhearted day. 

In the past, Taiwan's treatment of stray animals was to house them for 12 days after capture, during which time they could be claimed or adopted by members of the public; however, when the 12 days elapsed, the stray animals would be euthanized.

Fortunately, with the goal of achieving zero abandonment, zero euthanasia, New Taipei City Government Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office proposed a novel policy for dealing with stray animals. Implemented on March 1 this year, to date, the new “Zero Euthanasia” policy, which is supplemented by eight supporting measures, has not given rise to an increase in abandoned animals – something that the office originally feared – and the adoption rate has significantly improved.

Following the Your Shoot event, a total of 20 citizen journalists published related reports, which in addition to recording all the activities throughout the day, also explored the issue of stray animals from a wide range of perspectives. Hopefully, through the power of video reports, more people will begin showing concern for the stray animal issue.

PeoPo Your Shoot 
Zero Abandonment, Zero Euthanasia


PeoPo踹拍 世界動物日零棄養零安樂







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