
Planting seeds of change – Welcome to Baolai’s new life

2015/10/13 15:46
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PeoPo推 0


Situated in the rural district of Liugui in Kaohsiung, Baolai Village not only produces mangoes and plums, but is also a well-known hot spring scenic spot. In 2009, typhoon Morakot wrought destruction on the area, snatching away the life that locals had become accustomed to. Construction work to rebuild the main road into the village cut off the former stream of tourists, and with it, an important source of income for locals, threatening the very livelihoods of the residents; the situation resulted in a loss of both confidence and enthusiasm for locals.

Over the past few years, traces of the disaster have gradually disappeared, which has helped residents regain their confidence and brought about a sense of community cohesion once more. In particular, “Mango Foot Studio Workshop (檨仔腳工作室)” has provided a space of warmth and feeling, where residents can grow together, learn pottery, dye cloth, weave, study ecology and communicate with each other. Through a great deal of effort from residents, the original feel of Baolai Village has gradually returned; in fact, things are even better than before, and everyone welcomes the new life.

Planting seeds of change – Welcome to Baolai’s new life








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