
Come and buy vegetables! Young farmers get interested in farming

2015/12/09 11:45
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This semester, the vegetable garden nestled on the kitchen roof at Hulu Elementary School in Taipei City will be the the responsibility of class 402. Groups of students take turns in everything from sowing seeds and watering the vegetable shoots, to catching insects.

This year, the “Small Rural Education Experiential Learning Project” was implemented in schools throughout Taipei City, but as early as last year, Hulu Elementary School was already participating in Taipei City Department of Economic Development’s “School Food and Farming Education Project”, which invited full-time farmers to teach and counsel in the school.

Thanks to this, the promotion of this year’s new project has gone extremely smoothly, which in addition to planning by school nutritionist Huang Bo-xin (黃柏欣), has also attracted the support of many teachers and parents. The new project is helping to greatly deepen children’s understanding of farming and vegetables.

Come and buy vegetables! Young farmers get interested in farming








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