
Taiwan Normal University students create Taiwanese language picture books

2016/02/02 16:45
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A series of Taiwanese language picture books created by 3rd and 4th year students at Taiwan Normal University are being used to narrate stories to children at an affiliated kindergarten of Longan Elementary School. Advisors for the course project, professors Lin Jin-li (林巾力) and Xu Hui-ru (許慧如), said that this is the first time such a course activity has been undertaken.

The aim of the project is to eliminate stereotypes surrounding the Taiwanese language, allowing students to learn by doing. By using this series of picture books to narrate stories in kindergartens, the project hopes to enter local communities and foster interaction, thereby promoting the use of the Taiwanese language. 

In addition to expressing positive recognition for the student’s of Taiwan Normal University, director of the kindergarten, Jiang Hui-juan (姜慧娟), said that although these young children have limited knowledge of the Taiwanese language, through the guidance of these college students, the kids all listened with great interest. One young student even said that using Taiwanese to tell stories sounded tenderer than using Mandarin. 

Taiwan Normal University students create Taiwanese language picture books



台文繪本創作 師大學生拼突破






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