
Digital phone with protective ‘water-pipe’ cover captures the beauty of nature

2016/06/21 16:56
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In recent years, many of bird photography expert Li Long-cong (李龍聰)’s finest works have been captured with the help of a digital cellphone mounted on an ordinary tripod. Integrating these two pieces of equipment together not only requires an accurate calculation of screw angles, but also welding of the tripod axis, and therefore the process of each conversion takes a considerable amount of time and effort.

For many years, Li Long-cong, a seasoned photographer of water birds and landscapes, used a manual camera. But following the gradual prevalence of digital cameras and mobile phones, he decided to search out a mobile phone with the best high-resolution camera in order to instantly upload his shots onto social networking sites. Through affixing a piece of plastic water pipe to his premium quality cell phone, he has been able to connect a pair of binoculars to it, thereby allowing him to shoot long-distance scenes. Li Long-cong’s fusion of science and technology, metalwork, plumbing, and electrical skills, combined with his fervent passion for photography, has won him the admiration of netizens and photography enthusiasts alike.


Digital phone with protective ‘water-pipe’ cover captures the beauty of nature 



數位手機加水管護罩 抓住生態之美





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