
PeoPo Summer Internship – Youth employ video reporting to express community concern

2016/07/19 15:31
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PeoPo Summer Internship – Youth employ video reporting to express community concern

Each year in the months of July and August, PTS’s PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform raises two summer internship programs for college students. The course syllabus teaches participants the essentials of film production, guiding them on the road to becoming first-rate citizen journalists. This year, 230 students enrolled for the events, setting a new all-time record. After screening, an eclectic group of individuals from training institutions and colleges around the country was selected to become this year’s aspiring citizen journalism foot soldiers. Surprisingly, though seventy percent of the students are not studying in news-related departments, all of them desire to learn film production in order to show concern for grassroots community issues. 

The rich internship curriculum runs the gamut from writing to film production, where various professors teach students a selection of topics including press release writing, shooting, editing and areas of journalism that require special attention. PTS’s own seasoned television anchor was also on hand to tutor students on the art of voice-over techniques etc. All 50 students who participated in July’s internship found it an extremely enjoyable and rewarding experience.



PeoPo暑期實習營 年輕人用報導展現關懷






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