Planting flowers for the monarch butterfly
The monarch butterfly is one of the biggest and most common butterflies in North America and considered America’s national butterfly. Sadly, scientists predict that it could face extinction from the eastern United States in just twenty years time.
In the past, Taiwan was also home to the monarch butterfly, but it was officially declared extinct during the 1960s, an era in which extensive land development and the widespread use of herbicides caused a huge adverse impact on the environment. Unfortunately, during that time, Asclepias curassavica – commonly known as tropical milkweed – the only food source of the monarch butterfly larvae, was gradually eradicated from Taiwan, resulting in the decimation of this stunning species of butterfly.
This year, monarch butterfly conservation groups have been springing up all over America and many websites are providing free tropical milkweed seeds. Families are being encouraged to grow the plant in their backyards to save the monarch butterfly, as well as to provide nectar for other species of butterfly. A good way to increase survival rates of the monarch butterfly is to build a protected area for the larvae, llowing them to safely pupate inside.
Planting flowers for the monarch butterfly