
Unfettered by her iron shoes, Liu Li-hong walks away with 8 gold awards

2016/08/02 15:40
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After contracting polio during a polio pandemic at just two years of age, doctors said that Liu Li-hong wouldn’t walk again for the rest of her life. In the period from two until six years old, Liu Li-hong was unable to straighten her body and restricted to a life of crawling. However, a combination of her mother’s refusal to give up and Liu Li-hong’s active rehabilitation, ensured that Li-hong was finally able to wear iron shoes, use crutches, and “stand” up for the first time in her life.

However, forced to use crutches and wear heavy iron shoes, Liu Li-hong became introverted and isolated, afraid to speak and angry at what she deemed was the unfairness of life. Today, free from such emotional shackles, Liu Li-hong is an emissary of love and hope and involved in all sorts of areas including broadcasting, singing, writing, lecturing, dancing etc.

Liu Li-hong’s stalwart attitude to life has won her countless awards including the ‘Ten Outstanding Young Persons’. Liu Li-hong lives a full and exciting life and has tried all sorts of things through the years including scriptwriting; movie directing; stage performing; leading more than two hundred disabled people dancing; designing fashion shows; giving speeches; working as a presenter; taking part in dance performances; singing; and writing etc., something she would never have thought possible all those years ago.  

Unfettered by her iron shoes, Liu Li-hong walks away with 8 gold awards 



劉麗紅不受鐵鞋束縛 拿下八個金獎







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