
Working together to develop Tongxing Old Street

2016/08/30 14:39
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Working together to develop Tongxing Old Street 

For this year’s 4th PeoPo Your Shoot event we visited Tongxing in Miaoli’s Houlong Township, where a group of young people has been investing their time and energy to reinvigorate the community. Director of Houlongwan Development Association Chen Yan-yun (陳彥云) said the establishment of “Houlong Matters”(後龍大小事) internet platform by a group of young people has been instrumental in attracting many more young people to the area. Brimming with many great ideas, the youngsters have started to renovate Fuxing Old Street and set up flea markets, encouraging many other young people to start up businesses in the area. It is hoped that the flourishing days of Fuxing Old Street’s past are just around the corner. Close to 60 citizen journalists participating in this Your Shoot event helped capture the rich diversity of Tongxing Old Street on camera and share the many fascinating stories far and wide.  



同心打造同興老街-PeoPo 踹拍





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