
Japanese professor provides guidance on Zhuxi River remediation project

2016/10/18 11:28
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Tainan Community University (台南社大) invited Japanese professor Watanabe Feng-bo (渡邊豐博) to provide some concrete proposals for a future remediation project on Tainan’s Zhuxi sewage treatment system. Tainan Water Resources Bureau also provided proposals for the sewage remediation in Zhuxi and hopes to improve the water quality without the use of a chemical purification plant, instead using a more ecological approach in which household sewage will first be sent by pipeline to a purification plant before entering the Zhuxi River.  

Professor Watanabe believes an ecological purification system that cultivates purification bacteria held in gravel beds and fixed in place by wooden stakes could be employed to break down sewage from Zhuxi; additionally, plants efficient in purifying water could be planted around the edges. Such a method could achieve the required level of water purification without relying on advanced science and technology. Professor Watanabe said that regardless of whether one uses bacteria, plants, sewage treatment plants or water purification systems, the source of all pollution is created by us at home. If we simply improved our attitude towards water use, then we wouldn’t need to worry about water pollution problems!

Japanese professor provides guidance on Zhuxi River remediation project



竹溪整治 日本教授有話說






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