
Hongye’s long road to find a lasting home

2016/11/08 17:18
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The village of Hongye in Taitung’s Yanping Township is a typical Bunun tribal village, where living a decent and honorable life is more esteemed than making lots of money. Village houses are built into the gentle mountain slopes and on the extremely limited flat land, villagers grow corn, peanuts, pineapples and various other crops. In 2013, the county government’s proposed urban development plan, Hongye Special District (紅葉溫泉風景特定區), left the villagers of Hongye and Taoyuan shell-shocked because they were afraid it would be similar to development projects in the villages of Dongpu and Jhihben, where villagers were forced from their homes.  

This year, Typhoon Meranti deluged Taitung in torrential rain for several days and Hongye Village was evacuated due to huge landslides. The village was left in a shocking state of devastation with the original cement road running through the village being transformed into a river of mud and rock. Following the cleanup operation, villagers expressed their aspirations to build new homes next to Hongye Elementary School; however, unless plans for Hongye Special District can be altered, such a reconstruction plan would be unfeasible. Taitung County Public Works Bureau proposed a way to handle the villagers’ misgivings but did not respond positively to residents’ demands that the urban planning project should be revoked.

Following a security assessment at a meeting of the Executive Yuan’s Public Construction Commission, it was confirmed that there is a need to relocate Hongye Village. At present, however, with a site for the new village yet to be confirmed and the necessary NT$200 million relocation funds yet to be found, villagers are becoming increasingly restless. Villagers insist on pursuing their own route for Hongye Village, but they have to face a harsh climate and fragile geological environment, as well as the looming threat of the development of Hongye Special District, so their journey is far from over.  

Hongye’s long road to find a lasting home










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