
Local fish farms buried in furnace slag – student tests reveal high levels of alkalinity

2016/12/07 11:13
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PeoPo推 0

Following inspections by local environmental organizations, dumped furnace slag and various other pollutants have been repeatedly found near the fish farms in Tainan City’s Annan District, which flank Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant and Anqing Road. The fact that this waste material was found only a few hundred meters from a nursery and just over one thousand meters from Tucheng Elementary School has left the residents of Taijiang community in a state of shock. With the assistance of Taijiang River Basin Club and other organizations, teachers and students from Tucheng Elementary School carried out water-quality tests in order to understand the damage done to the local fish-farming district by the dumping of such waste materials.

On a visit to the area students could smell fumes and the result of pH tests showed deep purple, leaving the students saddened to find that their hometown and the fish farms near their school have been seriously polluted, especially since farmland just five hundred meters from their school is earmarked for the development of an industrial zone. The children are now very worried that their home will be destroyed by industrial pollution.

Local fish farms buried in furnace slag – student tests reveal high levels of alkalinity 



家鄉魚塭被埋爐渣 土城國小學童檢測酸鹼度紫爆





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