
‘Goldfish Space’ – Youngster returns home to start business

2017/02/15 10:24
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The founder of ‘Goldfish Space’, Peng Ren-hong (彭仁鴻), was born and bred in Toucheng, but it wasn’t until after graduating with a master’s degree and returning to work in his hometown that he truly began getting to know the area, an experience that has transformed his life. While doing military service, he researched the cultural industries of his hometown and was saddened by the gradual decline of the area. This motivated him to create ‘Goldfish Space’ and raise an annual art’s festival, providing a venue for interaction between local artists and those from other parts of the country. In addition, he began publishing ‘Qingyin’, a magazine that provides young people with information on the area’s current situation and local opportunities, hopefully helping the youth to see Toucheng in a new light. 

‘Goldfish Space, a cultural venue that is co-managed by youngsters and seniors from the local area, was formerly the local mayor’s residence. Named after the town mayor, ‘Goldfish Qiu (邱金魚), the venue gives local Toucheng residents an attractive and neighborly space to attend regular lectures by seasoned artists and skilled masters who share their unique stories. Goldfish Space hopes that by bringing young people from the local area together in a space of mutual support, more Toucheng youngsters will be attracted home. 

‘Goldfish Space’ – Youngster returns home to start business



「金魚厝邊」 青年返鄉在地創業



除此之外,彭仁鴻還讓老鎮長故居變身「青銀共創」的空間。名爲「金魚 厝邊」。「金魚」取自鎮長邱金魚的名,「厝邊」則是希望這裏能夠成爲頭城居民的好鄰居。在這個「青銀共創」空間裏,會定期舉辦老藝術家、老技藝者的講座,請他們作爲主角,講出他們的故事。「金魚厝邊」在未來也希望頭城青年能夠組成一個羣體,互相扶持,吸引越來越多的青年回到家鄉。



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