
Indigenous groups protest over proposed land delineation guidelines

2017/03/28 15:17
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The exclusion of private land in recent delineation guidelines published by the Council of Indigenous Peoples has been met by a wave of vehement protest within the indigenous community. On March 14, Taiwanese indigenous groups held a land-rights justice forum where representatives from indigenous tribes and allied groups called for the government to retract recently proposed land guidelines, which are believed will result in the fragmentation of traditional land.

The traditional area refers to the land that indigenous peoples originally lived on, which according to a 2007 survey by the Council of Indigenous Peoples covers an estimated area of 1.8 million hectares – 50% of the total land of Taiwan. As soon as guidelines covering traditional land come into legal effect, indigenous people will be entitled to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), meaning that landlords must first negotiate with indigenous people and obtain consent before initiating any major development projects. 

As for the question of whether or not to include private land, the Council of Indigenous Peoples responded that private property rights are guaranteed by the country’s constitution. It added that any misgivings surrounding the Constitution regarding the incorporation of private land can be raised by Indigenous legislators through the proper judicial proceedings or the ‘Statute Governing Promotion of Transitional Justice (促進轉型正義條例草案)’. 

The struggle of indigenous peoples for land-rights justice remains ongoing. Whether the final agreement can provide indigenous peoples with land-right justice and safeguard the property rights of private land will require further communication and consultation with the government.

Indigenous groups protest over proposed land delineation guidelines 



劃設辦法惹議 原住民團體反彈








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