
Group of young artists paint murals for the benefit of society

2017/04/06 09:15
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Come rain or shine, each Friday since November 2016, teacher Peng Shu-yu (彭舒渝) and sixty-five students from Chia Hwa Senior High School in Chiayi have braved the elements to paint murals on the walls along the main road outside Chiayi Compassion House; on March 24, 2017, the students were awarded a certificate of recognition from Chiayi Compassion House (博愛仁愛之家) for all their hard work. Everyone was left with a truly heartwarming feeling to see the students holding hands with and pushing the wheelchairs of elderly grandmas and grandpas past the wall to admire the hand-painted murals.

Director at Chiayi Compassion House, Cai Cheng-ling (蔡政玲) said that teacher Peng Shu-yu and her students had successfully managed to transform the perimeter wall around Compassion House, which has a history of over sixty years. Combining the spirit of public welfare and preservation of cultural heritage, stroke by stroke, the students created fifty-five large zendoodles to depict the history of Compassion House.  

In this latest character education activity at Chia Hwa Senior High School, students fully embraced the spirit of love and devotion while working on the mural. Spending ten weeks of time from their extracurricular activities at the roadside wall to fashion this zendoodle masterpiece, the mural artfully succeeded in fusing together aesthetics and public welfare, providing local residents and patients at Compassion House with an invigorating breath of fresh air. 

Group of young artists paint murals for the benefit of society  



一群小藝術家公益彩繪初體驗 影音






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