
When the villagers get old!

2017/04/12 09:40
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The majority of people living in Chiayi’s Alishan Township are from the Zou tribe. Each village in the region has a Tribal Culture Health Station where the elderly can get blood pressure taken, play board games, and weave rattan. In the eyes of many elderly villagers, the health station is an indispensable part of their life. However, with many mountainous villages encompassing vast tracts of land, the home of many is still a long distance away from the nearest Tribal Culture Health Station. 

Elderly people still fortunate enough to be fit and healthy can go to the Tribal Culture Health Station but a great number of elderly people have difficulty getting about and rely on home attendants for bathing, using the toilet and other various other services. Unfortunately, for many people, the lack of public transport affects the feasibility to work as a home attendant, and this has resulted in staff shortages.  

As visiting the homes of elderly people in need is not always feasible, the government hopes to establish care centers in towns throughout the country as part of its new Long-term Care Policy V2.0 implementation plan, where incapacitated elderly people can live together. The question of whether this method of care is suitable for all groups of elderly people is certainly worthy of more deliberation and discussions.

When the villagers get old!










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