
Have fun together at Roll Jean’s Market

2017/04/18 14:13
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On the second Saturday of each month, the “Roll Jean’s Market (捲褲管市集)” takes place in Yunlin’s Tuku Township at the wooden building where the first market in Tuku used to be convened. Ever since the completion of the former market’s reconstruction, the space has been transformed into a flexible space for arts and culture, helping to bring Turku residents together. The market recently held “Young at Heart – Let’s Have Fun”, a special activity to coincide with Children’s Day. At the event, where vendors from throughout the region were invited join the festivities and help drive the development of Tuku, marketgoers completing a 6-phase test were awarded 2 delicious ice lollies! Packed full of interesting activities, fascinating vendors, and attracting swathes of local people, it’s clear that the people of Tuku are a passionate bunch. So the next time you have a vacation, why not take a stroll around Yunlin’s Tuku Market; it’s a great place to kick back and enjoy yourself. 

Have fun together at Roll Jean’s Market



一起捲褲管 市集樂趣多





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