
Bunun’s “natural refrigerator” – Luanshan Forest Museum

2017/05/24 13:59
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PeoPo推 0

When around twenty years ago in Taitung’s Luanshan village, Yanping Township, a financial consortium wanted to buy local land to build a columbarium (residence for the ashes of the deceased), local Bunun tribesman A-li-man went to painstaking efforts to save the land, eventually establishing Luanshan Forest Museum. This place has no street signs, electricity or gas, only the traditional wisdom and culture of the Bunun people. A-li-man said that to the Bunun people the forest is a natural refrigerator, providing all the essentials of life, and as such, demands that we treat it with reverence and respect. With the aim of passing on the tribe’s cultural heritage, he insists on using only natural elements of the land and culture, and steadfastly refuses to engage in the selling of any commercial products, instead, aspiring to live in harmony with the forest.

Bunun’s “natural refrigerator” – Luanshan Forest Museum 



布農族的「生活冰箱」 鸞山森林博物館





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