
Lugang feast of superb craftsmanship – Celebrating the Birthday of craftsmen’s ancestral master

2017/06/14 09:45
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Lugang has always been an important center of traditional Taiwanese culture and the skill of craftsmen from the area is known far and wide. In 1996, Chaoyang Lugang Association launched the Worshipping Ceremony of Craftsmen’s Ancestral Masters (巧聖先師暨工藝先賢祭祀典禮), bringing together traditional crafts and religion. Lukang Master Lu-Ban Feast is held each year around Master Lu-ban’s birthday, which takes place on the 7th of May in the Lunar calendar. The event has gradually expanded from mainly wood art to include many other arts and crafts. In what is the only event of its kind in Taiwan, craftsmen put on a fine banquet of exquisitely handcrafted artifacts that are respectfully offered up in reverence to their ancestral masters.

“Lukang Master Lu-Ban Feast” is deeply imbued with local character, and in 2008, Changhua County Government registered the event as an intangible cultural heritage asset for its folklore and religious culture. In recent years, the event has been expanded as part of Lukang Traditional Culture Festival. The arts and crafts showcased, many of which are made by eminent craftsmen honored with national living treasure awards, national crafts achievement awards and heritage arts award, etc., are offered in respect to the ancestral masters by disciples of Luban. This year’s rich selection of content in this unique arts ceremony brimming with regional character covered an incredible 108 tables. 

Lugang has always been an important center of traditional Taiwanese culture, possessing an abundance of tangible and intangible cultural assets. Only the continued promotion and preservation of cultural assets by the government and NGOs can ensure that these precious cultural treasures will be preserved for future generations to come.  

Lugang feast of superb craftsmanship – Celebrating the Birthday of craftsmen’s ancestral master



巧聖先師慶誕辰 鹿港端午奪天工|魯班公宴







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