
Pingxi’s new sky lantern scene – residents recycling for household necessities

2017/06/14 10:57
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PeoPo推 1

Though New Taipei City’s Pingxi is a famous domestic tourist spot, the release of sky lanterns is causing some serious local environmental pollution. Recently, the government launched a program called “Recycled Sky Lanterns for Household Necessities,” not only attracting the enthusiastic participation of local people and spurring an atmosphere of recycling but also greatly reducing unsightly trash in the area. Through the program, locals can recycle sky lanterns and exchange them for household necessities, killing two birds with one stone. 

Over the last few years, Pingxi’s Shifen Village has formulated a new recycling initiative, in which the inner bamboo frame of recycled sky lanterns can be sold back to vendors for cash and the paper can be taken to the local village office and exchanged for household necessities like toilet paper, soya sauce, etc. Not only have local residents highly praised the initiative, local shops and vendors unanimously agree that it has helped ameliorate local environmental issues.

Pingxi Sky Lantern Association Secretary-General, Wang Rui-yu (王瑞瑜), said sky lanterns have attracted large numbers of tourists to the area and transformed it into a hot tourist spot, providing job opportunities for locals. Wang Rui-yu indicated that the bamboo frames and paper exteriors of sky lanterns are all eco-friendly, so although it is impossible for any recycling initiative to be 100% effective, any wayward sky lanterns that land on mountaintops or inaccessible places will all decompose through time and so there is nothing to be alarmed about. The local recycling initiative has allowed the continued release of sky lanterns while at the same ensuring environmental concerns have not been neglected, creating a more sustainable sky lantern culture to carry on into the future.

Pingxi’s new sky lantern scene – residents recycling for household necessities 



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