
Graduation ceremony at Haidian Elementary School – ceramic tile mural of Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path

2017/06/28 11:41
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The unveiling of “Protecting Haidian, River Tour of Taijiang,” a ceramic tile mural by the students of Haidian Elementary School, was attended by a number of prominent individuals from the district including Tainan City Government Secretary-General Lee Meng-yen (李孟諺), Tainan Water Resources Bureau Deputy Director-General Huang Wenyan (黃文彥), Taijiang Branch of Tainan Community University Executive Director Wu Mao-cheng (吳茂成), Haidian Elementary School Principle Huang Nian-qi (王念騏), and Haidian Parents’ Association Director Huang Zhi-huang (黃志煌), as well as 342 graduate students. The mural represents a fine graduation gift to the school and Tainan District on this, the school’s 23rd graduation ceremony. Creative coach Chen Tong-ling said that the focus of this year’s graduation was the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path and protection of the district’s watercourses.

An important part of the syllabus has been implementing an active learning program to help deepen students’ understanding of the culture and environment of the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path. The program has motivated students to take the initiative of interviewing local fishermen in an attempt to develop methods for protecting the rivers and culture of Taijiang. Over the years, it has become apparent that students now show greater interest in observing the ecology of Jianan Irrigation Channel, which flows past the front of the school. 

Chen pointed out that this ceramic mural of Taijiang’s Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path was created from 199 pieces of pottery depicting the culture and ecological features along the canal from Wusantou Reservoir to Taijiang National Park, including Taiwan's dark cicada, the black-faced spoonbill and various other important ecological features in the Tajiang area.

Graduation ceremony at Haidian Elementary School – ceramic tile mural of Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path


海佃國小畢業生畢業獻禮 台江山海圳綠道化為藝術牆






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