
Unfettered love - Disabled performing arts group brings vitality to Zhuqi

2017/06/28 11:46
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Recently, at the auditorium of Shengping Junior High School in Zhuqi Township, China Youth Corps (救國團嘉義團委會) raised a very special performing arts variety show called “Unfettered Love, Facing the Sun.” Displaying incredible self-confidence and courage on stage, as well as sharing their own moving life stories, disabled members of the group provided the audience with not only a breathtaking performance but also lessons in life. 

Under the guidance of Mixed Disabled Arts Group leader Liu Ming (劉銘), the members put on a superb show which brought the house down and brought many in the audience to tears. In a change from the usual tour of campuses, among the audience at this particular performance, there was a group of elderly people under the care of Huashan Social Welfare Foundation, providing the arts group with an entirely new experience.  

Manager of the Zhuqi branch of Huashan Social Welfare Foundation Xu Yu-teng (許譽騰) said that the biggest obstacle to old people getting out of the house is transportation. On the day of the performance, Chiayi was pounded with a deluge of heavy rain, resulting in a great deal of inconvenience for elderly people wishing to attend. Fortunately, thanks to enthusiastic volunteers from China Youth Corps Zhuqi Branch who shuttled people to and from the venue, senior citizens in the area had the opportunity enjoy this unique and powerful performance.

Unfettered love - Disabled performing arts group brings vitality to Zhuqi


心有愛行無礙 混障綜藝團為竹崎帶來向陽的生命力


救國團嘉義團委會在竹崎鄉昇平國中禮堂,舉辦「心有愛行無礙 走向生命向陽處 混障綜藝團技藝展演」,透過團員自身生命故事,以及燦爛在舞台上的自信與勇敢,為欣賞演出的群眾,上了一場生命教育的課程。




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