
CSA Tainan communities unite to support farming- sharing ideas to support sustainable agriculture

2017/06/28 11:56
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After graduating from university, Zheng Dun-zhe (鄭敦哲), the owner of Kuzitou Forest Farm in Tainan’s Xigang District, spent a short period of time working before returning home to take the reigns of his family farm. Refusing to spray agricultural chemicals or use chemical fertilizers, the farm prides itself on protecting this idyllic piece of rural farmland. 

Passionate about the natural world, Zheng Dun-zhe got together with three other likeminded small farmers in Tainan and began working to promote the concept of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA operates through making consumers farm partners who provide economic or labor support, thereby allowing both sides to share the risk. In addition to providing consumers with complete transparency about the source of vegetables and therefore complete peace of mind, it also helps share losses sustained by farmers. 

The aim of Tainan CSA is to use sustainable organic and natural farming methods that protect the ecology and foster a rich diversity of organisms to ensure there is a farming system to improve on conventional agriculture and leave non-toxic good quality farmland for the next generation.  

CSA Tainan communities unite to support farming- sharing ideas to support sustainable agriculture 


CSA台南社區協力農業 宣傳農伴理念維護永續生態


台南西港堀仔頭小森林農場,農場主人鄭敦哲大學畢業在外工作一段時間後 回到西港老家,承接家裡留下來的農地,維護自然環境不灑農藥也不使用化學肥料,為的就是保護這片美麗的土地。


台南社區協力農業以有機種植與維護生態永續為宗旨, 以自然農法的方式耕作,並重視生物的多樣性,希望改善綠色革命下慣性農法的耕作模式, 為後輩留下無毒的友善良田。



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