
From student to teacher – Passing on lessons of life

2017/07/12 16:54
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Located in New Taipei City’s Yonghe District, Yong-Ping High School has a very special art exhibition space located in a freight container called the “Art Ark.” Recently, the Life Caring Society (生命關懷社) has been putting on an exhibition called “Lessons of Life,” in which students have been sharing poetry, art, and photographs of stray dogs. Shan Meng-xian (山夢嫻) graduated from Yongping High School many years ago and returned to the school after becoming a teacher, where she established the Life Caring Society to pass on her love and care for animals to the younger generation. As part of the course syllabus, she not only shows documentaries to expand students' horizons and help them understand the predicament that various animals face but also holds charity bazaars and exhibitions of achievement in the hope of helping more animals.

From student to teacher – Passing on lessons of life



從學生到老師 傳承生歷其境





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