
Minsheng’s natural spring – A secret water hole in Longtan

2017/07/18 14:04
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PeoPo推 0

Located in Taoyuan’s Longtan District, Lingyun Community is blessed with a natural spring connected to the Laojie River Basin, a rarity in today’s world. Local Hakka people, who refer to the water hole as “The Empty Hole (洞為空),” have preserved the age-old outdoor laundry culture for generations. That in this era of widespread washing machine use, a group of people still insists on hand-washing clothes is fascinating enough, but hearing about the continual stream of newbies that have become hooked on the experience and find themselves returning each day to do their laundry, leaves many with a mixture of wonder and curiosity.

Today, four of the five natural springs in the tiny Lingyun Community are still in regular use and retain their original appearance, even with over a century of history. The spring’s constant temperature throughout the year ensures that regardless of the season, there is a steady flow of people night and day; but it is the water’s soothing warmth on those cold wintry days that perhaps comes as the most pleasant surprise for visitors. Though the surface water remains calm, water flowing up from underground provides a constant flow, thereby keeping the water clean and clear. Whether it is doing one’s laundry or washing vegetables, the spring provides an important alternative hang-out space and the precious laundry culture maintains a traditional element in this big modern city of Taoyuan.

Minsheng’s natural spring – A secret water hole in Longtan 



龍潭的秘境水庫 敏盛泉水空






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