
GisneyLand – Doing loving work in the name of AIDS

2017/07/25 11:39
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Taiwan Aids Foundation (台灣紅絲帶基金會) actively promotes “Life Education” and “Active Experience” in a bid to stop the spread of AIDS in Taiwan. To this end, the foundation has cooperated with Chiayi County Health Bureau to establish “GisneyLand.” The organization’s director Li Qi-hong (李奇紘), said that GisneyLand is mainly concerned with and promotes issues like care for gay people, the prevention and control of AIDS, and “gender education.” Put simply, GisneyLand enthusiastically participates in and supports any issues related to homosexuality or the prevention and control of AIDS.

Recently, GisneyLand participated in a government-raised activity with a drag-queen theme. The eye-catching event was aimed at promoting the prevention and control of AIDS, while at the same time helping to eliminate the stigma that homosexuality has with AIDS. The majority of visitors said they had learned something new from presentations at the event. But at GisneyLand, visitors are not the only ones learning new things; people involved in the organization are brimming with love and learning how to channel this love into ameliorating the AIDS problem.

GisneyLand – Doing loving work in the name of AIDS



諸羅部屋 – 以愛滋名 行愛之事





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