
Papid’s House helps kids with intellectual disabilities realize their dreams

2017/07/25 11:57
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“Brother and sisters, hand-made charity cookies only NT$50 a pack – please give us your help!” Every morning, children with intellectual disabilities from Papid’s House (熊米屋愛心烘焙坊) sell charity cookies and cakes in the streets and alleys of Taipei. The loud and resonant voices of the kids ooze gusto and have been making a deep impression on passersby.

Papid’s House, which is located in an alley off Xiaosan Road in Keelung City, was established by parents in the hope of providing better planning and care for the kids. The project trains the kids to make and sell snacks so that they can find their place in society just like everyone else. Each morning at 8:30 am, the kids begin baking the delicious cookies and cakes, which are then sold at the roadside in the afternoon with their teacher, providing them with essential practice in interacting with people.
What may seem like a simple thing for the average person is a huge challenge for children with intellectual disabilities. Before going to sell their produce on the streets, the kids require training in how to receive money, give change and communicate, etc., which on average takes around six months. What's more, if for any reason there is a break between training and selling on the streets then the kids must start their training again from scratch because they will forget the content of the training. The reason for setting the price at NT$50 for one pack, NT$100 for two packs and NT$150 for three packs is because orderly incremental rises are easier for the kids to learn and not so easily forgotten. 

Papid’s House helps kids with intellectual disabilities realize their dreams



給小愉兒一對隱形的翅膀 熊米屋烘焙坊





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