
Wheelchair users regain the confidence to return to society

2017/09/05 15:15
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Wheelchair users regain the confidence to return to society

For the average person, going out shopping is a commonplace event, but for those with spinal cord injuries, it entails a lot of learning and overcoming various psychological barriers. With public facilities and the environment mainly directed at able-bodied people, is disabled access really that friendly towards those with disabilities?



A course in Taoyuan’s Zhongli District called “City Jungle Adventure” requires students to communicate with strangers and exchange business cards with shopkeepers. In addition to promoting general knowledge on the prevention of spinal injuries, the course equips wheelchair users with the skills to conquer the myriad obstacles one may face while traversing the city streets, including slopes and doorsteps. Wheelchair users can’t always rely on the help of others and therefore need to pay strict attention to the steepness of slopes in order to avoid falling out or overturning. Some wheelchair users are in the habit of raising the front wheels in order to negotiate obstacles, a maneuver that is quite risky and has resulted in many people falling out of their wheelchair.   


Though there are currently over 60,000 people with spinal injuries in Taiwan, it is rare to see any of them out shopping or buying vegetables alone. It is hoped that through making society more aware of all the hard work people with spinal injuries invest into getting on with life, we can help facilitate their swift reintegration into society.

URL: https://www.peopo.org/news/345477


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