On October 10, people young and old gathered from all directions at Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall to wave the national flag and sing the national anthem in celebration of the National Day of the Republic of China. A symbol of freedom, equality, and universal love, the canton in the Republic of China’s red flag – a white sun on a blue background – was designed by Lu Hao-dong during the Guangzhou Uprising of 1895. The twelve rays of the sun are a symbol that during the 12 two-hour periods of the day and during the 12 months of the year, citizens should strive continuously to make progress.
Loving one’s national flag and singing one’s national anthem are fundamental expressions of patriotism. Witnessing so many children drawing the national flag and singing the national anthem gives hope that wherever they go in the future, they will have a love for their country and self-confidence.
拿國旗 唱國歌 齊為中華民國慶生
雙十國慶在台北,民眾以拿國旗、 唱國歌的方式,為中華民國106年慶生。民眾來自四面八方,扶老攜幼自動地在國父紀念館集合,齊為中華民國慶生、唱國歌。青天白日滿地紅的國旗,是陸皓東先生在1895年,第一次廣州起義時所設計的,象徵自由、 平等、博愛。十二道光芒象徵每天12個時辰以及每年12個月份,比喻國人要自強不息。
愛國旗、唱國歌是基本的愛國表現,尤其是小朋友以實際身教畫國旗、 唱國歌的方式參與盛會,相信今後他們無論走到哪裡,都會愛國家有自信。
PeoPo 討論區