
Robot battles spark creative new trend

2017/12/12 14:08
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PeoPo推 0

Punching, kicking, rolling and falling to the ground – Taiwan’s Robot Boxing League gets off to a lively start. People from junior high onwards gather together to engage in some serious cerebral gymnastics, where they write computer programs and design wrestling robots. With robots now an integral part of each and every part of our lives, such activities are a great opportunity for kids and enthusiasts to take a closer look at robots.

With the ultimate aim of breaking into the international competition scene, players participating in Taiwan’s Robot Boxing League patiently stand their robots back up after each failure and correct each mistake to gather competition experience and exchange different technologies with other players. The tense atmosphere of such fighting contests not only provides participants with an environment in which to train split-second reactions but is also a lively way to promote robot education, which the organizers hope will attract more people into the world of robots and spark a new creative trend in robot technology.








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