
Flowers of Happiness on Earth Day

2018/05/02 11:22
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Earth Day is a day of worldwide environmental protection which is celebrated on March Equinox, the date on which night and day are of equal duration. The origin of Earth Day lies in the environmental protection movement that began in the United States in the 1970s; by 1990, it had become a festival of environmental protection and awareness around the world.

On this day of global environmental awareness and action for the protection of our planet, Taipei City Government held “Flowers of Happiness” in the Mingfu neighborhood of Songshan District, where it promoted eco awareness through parent-kids DIY workshops. Although it was only a modest pot plant creation comprising of little flowers, a piece of sphagnum moss, and a piece of shoelace, this hands-on DIY planter workshop brought residents much warmth and happiness.



為響應世界環保日,台北市政府在松山區民福里舉辦"花獻綠地小確幸"活動,一方面宣導環保,也邀約附近居民一起來做「親子植栽的DIY」。雖是一小小的 一丁點的成就,一朵小花、一塊水苔、一條鞋帶親手做成的小盆栽,大家以輕鬆活潑之方式 DIY 動手做的結果,卻為居民們帶來有溫度的小確幸。




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