
Yuanli youngsters returning home to put down roots

2018/06/21 09:20
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In the scorching heat of summer, local ladies hold the one essential element for mat-making, common rush. Miaoli’s Yuanli is a small town rich in agricultural products, including rice and mats woven from common rush. The central dilemmas smallholders face are difficulties in marketing their produce and population outflow in the young generation. It wasn’t until locals met a group of youngsters returning to their hometowns in the countryside that things began to change. 

Yuanli resident Chen Xiu-lan (陳秀鑾) said, “Few people weave with common rush anymore. What’s more, fewer people are harvesting it because it fetches a poor price. Customers don’t buy handicrafts if they’re too expensive, and people don’t want to work if the price is too low. Modern people go to work. No one weaves with common rush anymore.”

But just while the farmers were struggling with these thorny issues, they happened to meet a group of youngsters that stayed to serve the community following the improper installation of large-scale wind turbines in Yuanli five years ago. The youngsters established “Take the Sea Wind,” a group that not only encourages young people to return to their rural hometowns but also assists smallholders with marketing agricultural products and handicrafts woven from common rush.  








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