
The beauty and sorrow of the Southern Cross-Island Highway

2018/08/16 09:50
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PeoPo推 0

The National Southern Cross-Island Highway is quite possibly the most beautiful mountain road in Taiwan. With its sea of clouds, ancient forests, canyons, hot springs, and youth hostels, not to mention the beautiful virgin forest from Tianchih to Xiangyang, it’s a place that few people forget. Due of its high altitude, in summer, it is a favorite spot for viewing the breathtaking cloud formations and sea of clouds, whereas, in winter, one can gaze at the magnificent snowy peaks of Yushan and the three mountains of the Southern Cross-Island Highway.


However, flooding brought by Typhoon Morakot in 2009 inflicted severe damage to the stunning mountain scenery of the area. Despite the investment of billions of yuan by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications over the past nine years, frequent torrential downpours in the region have severely hampered any improvements. This long-term video record of the post-Morakot reconstruction efforts by residents, public works units, and construction workers, will hopefully remind the public that extreme weather and heavy rainfall are becoming the norm. Although this is a special case, it is incredibly indicative of modern trends, and if global warming cannot be stopped, the present sorrow of communities living along the National Southern Cross-Island Highway will be the reality we must all face in the future.










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