
Hsinchu Your Shoot – Exploring the Wildness of Youluotian

2018/09/20 14:35
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Hidden amongst the mountains and forest, Youluotian possesses pristine water and a rich ecology. After a member of the Hsinchu Branch of The Society of Wilderness found Youluotian in a fortunate stroke of serendipity, volunteers began making a concerted effort to transform this formerly barren piece of land through natural farming techniques and put their philosophy of cherishing the land into practice.

Aside from farming this previously fallow land, Society of Wilderness volunteers have also been vigorously reestablishing the local ecology and created an insect-eating plant zone in this hope of breeding these precious native plants of Taiwan. From barren land to farmland, ruins to relaxing venue, Society of Wilderness volunteers have built their dream location step by step. At this latest Your Shoot event held in collaboration with Hsinchu Branch of The Society of Wilderness, volunteers provided a guided tour to citizen journalists, who listened attentively to the inspiring story of people joining forces to build a dream.







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