
Ousting the spot-legged tree frog! Native species conservation campaign

2018/12/07 13:04
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PeoPo推 0

Taiwan is an ecologically diverse island; however, with the exchange of goods from various countries, foreign species inevitably find their way into the country. The spot-legged tree frog, which is native to southern China, Hainan Island, and the Indochina Peninsula, is thought to have been introduced into Taiwan along with imported horticultural flowers. A highly competitive frog species and rapid breeder, the spot-legged tree frog can hunt any species smaller than itself and eats a large number of native frogs in Taiwan, which has caused a significant decline in native species. To date, spot-legged tree frogs have spread along the entire western half of Taiwan.

However, as spot-legged tree frogs look very similar to our native tree frogs, Polypedates braueri, it is best not to capture them yourself and instead inform the relevant authorities for assistance. With the influx of foreign species threatening the survival of native species and hence Taiwan's ecological balance, it is something everyone should be concerned about.







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