Fish Bar - promoting sustainable fishing to end ocean exploitation
We all know the names of the fruits we eat, but how about the fish?” Taiwan has an inseparable connection with the surrounding ocean. We gaze out at the sea, play in the sea, and eat seafood, yet have little understanding of ocean ecology. The mission of "Fish Bar" is to provide a platform for dialogue between consumers, fishermen, and academic institutions that will help educate the public about ocean sustainability, so that people not only eat fish but also understand fish and understand the ocean.
Fish Bar invites people to go to the places where fish are landed, meet the fishermen, participate in the fishing, visit the fish market, experience the life of fishermen under the blistering sun, soak up the atmosphere of fishing villages, and engage in deeper interaction with locals. At the same time, it also combines academic knowledge with marine education to promote ecological fishing methods, so that the concept of sustainability can continue to expand and influence society.
「我們吃蔬果可以叫得出名字,那吃魚呢?」台灣四面環海,與海洋有著密不可分的連結,我們觀海、玩海、吃海鮮,卻對包圍著我們的海祥生態缺乏關注。「洄遊吧 Fish Bar 」就是一個以食魚教育及永續海洋為核心,希望能成為連結消費者、漁業人員和學術單位多方交流的平台,讓民眾不只會吃魚,更能懂魚、懂海。
「洄遊吧 Fish Bar」邀請民眾實際到魚的產地,看漁人、參與捕撈、逛魚市,豔陽下體驗「討海人」的生活,感受漁村風貌,與在地深度互動。同時也將學術知識與海洋教育結合,推廣在地友善捕撈魚法,讓永續的觀念持續擴大、創造影響。