
Huwei’s compassionate grandma

2019/06/17 10:51
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Would you run a business that lost money? An 86-year-old grandmother in Yunlin's Huwei Township does just that, silently doing good deeds in the community. Not only is there a price ceiling at her eatery of NT$30(USD1), when she hears of any students struggling with living expenses, she even treats them to a free meal and gives them daily necessities to take home. Regular visitors to Grandma's eatery include not only students from the local colleges and schools but also residents from the community. But regardless of who visits the eatery, everyone succumbs to Grandma's infectious warmth and leaves feeling inspired to help others too.

Ironically, by helping others, this compassionate grandmother is also helping herself, not only becoming a model for others to learn from but also finding joy and satisfaction in life. It's a reminder that perhaps the greatest source of joy in life is to give unconditionally, and that even with meager resources, we can still benefit those around us.








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