
Bihua Street reveals the rise and fall of Taiwan’s textile industry

2019/09/11 14:44
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PeoPo推 0

Despite being only four meters wide, “Bihua Textile Street” near Luzhou in Sanchong was world-renowned for textiles in its heyday.


When the Nationalist government came to Taiwan, it began to promote the textile industry. The proximity of Bihua Street to Taipei City made transportation convenient, and many factories chose to set up factories here. The people who lived in Bihua Street began to make money from factory offcuts. No one imaged that business would go from strength to strength. The small fabric stores that began by selling factory offcuts gradually grew into wholesale distributors, attracting many people to come and settle in the area. Eventually, a local market was created, leading to a golden era for fabric suppliers, known locally as “fabric bulls.”


However, the situation started to decline after much of the industry relocated to China and Southeast Asia. With only 200 of the original 300 fabric stores left, it was clear they had to innovate and transform their business model. In addition to opening up retail sales and selling online, stores have also launched many practical and popular products. Recently, Bihua Street has also set up a council to promote various events. Hopefully, through the efforts of the community, Bihua Street can regain its former glory days.










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